Friday, September 21, 2012

First Grade Sucks

My boy is having a hard time adjusting to first grade. It breaks my heart. He has always been the child who leaps out of bed, completely ready to take on the day. He dresses himself, asks for breakfast and is waiting by the door 10 minutes before he needs to be, waiting for everyone else to catch up. He loved Kindergarten. Never once did he ask not to go. He asked to stay home every day of this past week :(.

When I asked why he wanted to stay home he said that he just didn't feel like going. There are little factors that seem to be contributing to his angst. Apparently there has been a little playground scandal. Fred tried to kiss Jane and my boy was upset and did his best to protect Jane from Fred's unwanted advances ( names changed to protect the innocent ). This upset him. He is in a class of 20 now instead of 11. He goes full days, 5 days per week. He's in a hallway that multiple grades use and sometimes he gets jostled and shoved a bit.

I realise that these are all small little issues and given time, he should adjust and get over them, but my heart hurts that his normally Happy Go Lucky self is so troubled and I don't feel like there is much of anything I can do about it. I've been helping out in his classroom a couple of days a week and he really loves having me there. I doesn't feel like enough.

I'll cut the umbilical cord eventually, I swear. But look at this happy, carefree, boy. Could you stand to see him so troubled?


JKM said...

It's so hard to send your kids out into the world. It soon becomes obvious that the love and caring at home are not universal attributes in a school setting. Hang in there, the support from home means a lot even when they don't say much!! Your presence in the class is a great idea. Good for you.

pumpkinhead said...

Thanks JKM. I wish these creatures came with a handbook!