Sunday, June 05, 2011

A New Beginning

I have resolved to become a better blogger thanks to a beloved family member. So, here goes.

Right now Manitoba is a floody place. Luckily for us, we live in an area that is largely unaffected. My babies are growing way too fast for me. Jacob will be 9 at the end of August and Kieran is a newly minted 5 year old. Where does the time go? They're entirely too grown up and say things that are entirely too grown up. A little while ago Kieran said to me "Feel my muscles, Mama. Feel how big they are!" so I obligingly did so and made the appropriate exclaimations (lied) about how big and strong his muscles were. He then insisted I watch him lift the coffee table which I did and again exclaimed how big and strong he was. He put his hand on his hip, sort of like he is in the picture, and said very nonchalantly "Yeah. I've been eating".

Jacob is almost done with grade 3. That means grade 4 is right around the corner. I'm not ready to have no babies.