Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lots to say, not so much computer time

Hello faithful blog readers (that means Alison...and probably no one else). So, lots has been happening in my life, but I find myself with very little computer time to blog these days as Kieran has discovered the scroll bar on the keyboard. He is thriving though! Crawling and chattering up a storm and a whole 8 months old to boot.

Jacob is becoming a little boy right before my eyes. He seemed to grow up overnight after we brought his brother home and is so mature and big it just breaks my heart. He and Kieran are getting along much better than I was anticipating. Jacob is a bit put out that Kieran is now mobile and can get into and touch his things, but we're working it all out. It's a love/youirritatethecrapoutofme/love relationship.

I was initially planning to return to work 2 months ago, but that plan has been scrapped. It's a hugely long story, but suffice it to say that after some awkward messiness, things have been resolved, more or less, to my satisfaction.

So, c'est ca pour maintennant.