Thursday, May 26, 2005


First and foremost, no, I'm not pregnant yet as far as I know. Dennis has already said that he'd feel cheated if we concieved on the first try. I'm not going to elaborate on that statement at all and that's all I have to say about that :-).

In other news, it looks like we may need to start building an ark. Over 150mm of rain has fallen in the past week and a half and we're expected to get at least another 90 if the weather people are to be trusted. Jacob is very excited as he's gotten to wear his cool new rain coat and Winnie the Pooh wellies 4 or 5 times this week to go puddle jumping. I love that kid :-). Ever the optomist.

Anyhow, I'm still plugging away at the thesis. Who wants to finish my materials and methods section for me? Huh? It's just about as exciting and fun as root canal surgery. No takers? Losahs.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's out!

I am, as of this moment, IUD free. Whoopee :-). I'm sure you were all waiting with bated breath. Don't try to deny it.

It really wasn't that bad.

Oh, and some more too much info: apparently, my cervical mucus is 'ovulatory'. Grroooooowwwl.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sick. Ugh. And other stuff

My mother and I went to Toronto this weekend past to visit my brother. It was a little surprise birthday present for me (my birthday isn't until July). I'd never been, so it was cool to see the big city and to get away. We went to Niagra Falls, saw some relatives, ate LOTS of yummy Thai food and generally had a good time.

However, I have returned with a yucky, sniffling, hacking, snurgely, drippy, leaky cold. Gwoss (as Jacob would say). And because misery loves company, the rest of my little family has it as well. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, eh?

On a happy? interesting?...we'll go with 'interesting' note, attempt numero deux to have my IUD removed is tomorrow. If this attempt fails perhaps I'll just have to accept that it just likes me and has decided to live in me forever. I say this as the other removal options sound generally unpleasant, but we'll see.

Take care, y'all :)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Comments? Concerns?

Ah have feexed zee comments thingy for youse. You know who youse are :wink, wink: :nudge, nudge:

Friday, May 06, 2005

The woman with the incredible vanishing....

IUD. Aaaaaaaaaaaa! Yes, I went to the Doc today to have it removed and she couldn't find it. Somewhat disconcerting, no?

All is not lost, both literally and figuratively. She's going to schedule me for an ultrsound and have another look in a few weeks in the interim. I'm fairly certain it's still there as I can feel the strings. They just seem to be higher up that usual. But of course, one must maximize every opportunity on can to have strange cold instruments shoved inside of one's nether regions. What fun.

You're all jealous, aren't you? Thought so.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Monday, May 02, 2005

Out of the ashes...

Well, I survived. Winter term is over and I am still alive. I can't quite believe it and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself now that I'm not running around like the proverrbial chicken with its head cut off. Have you ever heard that old saying 'Now that the rush is over, I'm going to have a nervous break down. I've worked for it, I've earned it, and NO ONE is going to deprive me of it'? Well, that would be me.

A ha ha ha ha (that would be the maniacal laughter of a woman on the brink, just so you know).

So, what shall I tell you? This terms has left little time for me. 'Me' is a concept that I've had to forgo to an extent. I've been 'Instructor', 'Mama' and 'Wife', but very seldom 'me' (altho, I did get a much needed chunk of 'me' whilst performing in 'Bodies without Borders' so I can't complain entirely :)). This is my first official act in rectifying that situation. A small step, but a significant step. I've also started reading all of the blogs I used to enjoy again.

But, with the return of 'me' comes the responsibility of my thesis. I can't ignore it any longer. I need to finish it or I think I'll lose it entirely.

So, I have my work cut out for me, but I love a challenge.

So, with that, I'm off to see how you all have been doing. I'm sorry I've been so remiss in my blogging duties. I promise to try valiantly to do better!!!

p.s. for a bit of fun, check out this site and get your very own pirate name. Arr. Hence forth I shall be known as 'Dirty Jenny Bonny'.