Thursday, May 26, 2005


First and foremost, no, I'm not pregnant yet as far as I know. Dennis has already said that he'd feel cheated if we concieved on the first try. I'm not going to elaborate on that statement at all and that's all I have to say about that :-).

In other news, it looks like we may need to start building an ark. Over 150mm of rain has fallen in the past week and a half and we're expected to get at least another 90 if the weather people are to be trusted. Jacob is very excited as he's gotten to wear his cool new rain coat and Winnie the Pooh wellies 4 or 5 times this week to go puddle jumping. I love that kid :-). Ever the optomist.

Anyhow, I'm still plugging away at the thesis. Who wants to finish my materials and methods section for me? Huh? It's just about as exciting and fun as root canal surgery. No takers? Losahs.

1 comment:

pumpkinhead said...

Andrea, c'mon over and take a cool refreshing dip in my front yard.