Monday, May 02, 2005

Out of the ashes...

Well, I survived. Winter term is over and I am still alive. I can't quite believe it and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself now that I'm not running around like the proverrbial chicken with its head cut off. Have you ever heard that old saying 'Now that the rush is over, I'm going to have a nervous break down. I've worked for it, I've earned it, and NO ONE is going to deprive me of it'? Well, that would be me.

A ha ha ha ha (that would be the maniacal laughter of a woman on the brink, just so you know).

So, what shall I tell you? This terms has left little time for me. 'Me' is a concept that I've had to forgo to an extent. I've been 'Instructor', 'Mama' and 'Wife', but very seldom 'me' (altho, I did get a much needed chunk of 'me' whilst performing in 'Bodies without Borders' so I can't complain entirely :)). This is my first official act in rectifying that situation. A small step, but a significant step. I've also started reading all of the blogs I used to enjoy again.

But, with the return of 'me' comes the responsibility of my thesis. I can't ignore it any longer. I need to finish it or I think I'll lose it entirely.

So, I have my work cut out for me, but I love a challenge.

So, with that, I'm off to see how you all have been doing. I'm sorry I've been so remiss in my blogging duties. I promise to try valiantly to do better!!!

p.s. for a bit of fun, check out this site and get your very own pirate name. Arr. Hence forth I shall be known as 'Dirty Jenny Bonny'.

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