Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sick. Ugh. And other stuff

My mother and I went to Toronto this weekend past to visit my brother. It was a little surprise birthday present for me (my birthday isn't until July). I'd never been, so it was cool to see the big city and to get away. We went to Niagra Falls, saw some relatives, ate LOTS of yummy Thai food and generally had a good time.

However, I have returned with a yucky, sniffling, hacking, snurgely, drippy, leaky cold. Gwoss (as Jacob would say). And because misery loves company, the rest of my little family has it as well. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, eh?

On a happy? interesting?...we'll go with 'interesting' note, attempt numero deux to have my IUD removed is tomorrow. If this attempt fails perhaps I'll just have to accept that it just likes me and has decided to live in me forever. I say this as the other removal options sound generally unpleasant, but we'll see.

Take care, y'all :)

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