Friday, February 26, 2016

This is for Wajihah

So, it has been well established that I am not a reliable blogger. I'm not going to apologize anymore. If I could making a living doing the blogging then I would be better but since the people who make a living doing the blogging do the blogging so much better than I, it's just not gonna happen.  So, I have let that go. Poof. 

Onto life since 2014. My puppy is still crazy and sweet, my kids are still healthy, I'm still married and living in Manitoba. These are all big deals, but onto other stuff. Be warned, it's been more than a year so this might get long. Brace yourself...

It's winter. I am not in Mexico. I am in Manitoba. Let us have a moment of silence to let that sink in. ... Ok. 

This winter has lacked the soul crushing cold of some of the other winters we have endured experienced here in ManiSNOWba. We have only had a couple of days of temperatures below -30 and that is significant. So, yay!

In Manitoba, we have something called "Louis Riel Day". In other places, it is called "Family Day". In other places yet, it does not exist. It's just a Monday off, but as any Monday off is awesome, we decided to make the best of it. We went to Falcon Lake with friends and snow shoed

and snow tubed and it was a balmy -2 and therefore of the awesome.

There were puppies to snuggle

and goofballery abounded.

Our winter tends to go by in a blur due to our children's steady diet of hockey, curling and...more hockey, so it was nice to take a break from that and do other winter-ey stuff with friends. But let us not forget the fun of skating in -22. Cuz, well, that's something.

And, well, hockey...

But spring is coming! For true! I saw crows. Lots of them. In a creepy tree. At dusk.

The end is nigh! 

In closing I will leave you with a gratuitous picture of my sweet Cali puppy and her buddy Oreo the Kitten...

   and, the inspiration for this blog post: the lovely Ms. WAJIHAH!

 and me. 

Yay. I blogged :).