Sunday, May 13, 2007

We have a house!

This is exciting stuff! Dennis and I have never been homeowners. We did think that we would have a place of our own before we settled down and started a family, but since the family started itself without our express permission, that didn't happen.

Our financing has been approved, the owners have accepted our offer, the inspection went well and so if everything else goes to plan, this will be all ours as of June 29th.
Can you believe it? Now I just have to figure out how all of our crap is going to fit within 1000 square feet. I might need a crow bar. It's amazing how much STUFF one can accumulate, especially when you add children into the equation. We're not wealthy people by any means, but the sheer volume of our possessions is a bit astounding to me. It makes me feel a bit guilty. We don't need all of this stuff...
But now I'm rambling. I think there are many trips to Sally Ann in my future.

Friday, May 11, 2007

More Graduation

He did a fabulous job driving the car. How can he be almost 5? He's just a baby.

Graduation day

Jacob graduated from pre-school last night. I had a hard time keeping it together.