Monday, October 08, 2012

Wanna hear a funny story?

This story never fails to make me laugh. Most of my friends already know it. Dude, it's funny! Why would I not tell it lots?
Okay, so here it is: My second child was born without the benefit of narcotics. As a result, I felt like I was really alert for the bulk of my labour and his delivery. Much more "with it" and alert than I'd been with my first birth, during which I had a shot of demerol. Too alert? Perhaps, but I digress. Boy #2 was born during a March snowstorm and arrived in the assessment room of the Valley Regional Hospital. All the actual labour rooms were in use. The doctor was on her way (in a snowstorm) but didn't make it in time. The nurse caught him. She was wonderful. I will specify that he was born in the usual way. That tidbit is important for later.
But onto the funny part. The boy was born relatively fast. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30ish am and he was born at 7:15 am. Apparently a precipitous birth is associated with increased maternal bleeding. I have learned that being a pale skinned redhead is as well. When the doctor finally arrived, the nurse started giving her the rundown of events preceeding. No less than 3 times, I heard the nurse say something to the effect of "Well, the bleeding isn't too bad considering she's a natural redhead and she did go fast". Remember how I said that I felt like I was so much more with it this time around? Well, "Little Miss So Alert" turned to her husband and whispered "How does she know that I'm a natural redhead? She didn't ask me if I was". Yep. I did. You may now laugh at me.

Just in case that story wasn't embarassing enough, here is the World's Worst Picture. I think Kieran was 4ish days old here. It's really not a flattering picture of Jacob either, but of me, it is worse. Why the pirate hat? Why not?


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