Saturday, October 06, 2012

Thanksgiving! And, guess what is worse than snow on October 4th!

Okay, don't guess. I'm going to tell you anyway. Wet snow, combined with high winds, that collaborate to topple a metal hydro tower which leaves you without power for 18+ hours on the coldest, windiest, day of the season so far. That, my friend, is worse. Add to that the fact that your heat is electric and you have a recipe for unpleasantness. Thankfully, you will also tend to discover how generous and giving people are at times like these. No less than 3 people called me to see how our family was doing and to offer a warm place to stay should the need arise. Unfortunately, these phone calls came in on my portable phone that does not (SURPRISE!) function without electricity, but it is the thought that counts.

As it turns out, I don't need power. I need a source of heat and I would really prefer running water, but it isn't an all out necessity. I love candles and I love how these sorts of events bring people together. It's really cool! I'll confess that I was a little disappointed when the lights came back on and we didn't get to have that candlelit, gourmet supper of hotdogs and alphagetti together with the dear friends who opened their home to us, but as I had my hot shower this morning, I got over it. Still, it is nice to know that when the chips fall, there are people out there who have your back, and still more you know you could call if you needed to. I'll get all sappy for a moment and say it reminds me of that little saying that goes something like "We are all angels with but one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another". Awwwwwwwwwww. Who said that, anyway?
So, the power is back on (thank you MB Hydro! You rock!), the sun is shining and I have to clean my toilet. Nothing says "Life goes on" like scrubbing white porcelain. While it is nice to have these little reminders of everything we have to be thankful for, I am doubly thankful that they are relatively infrequent.
Here's hoping that all this weirdness shifts so we can get back to doing this:
Instead of doing this:

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