Thursday, October 18, 2012

Has the smile on my face given me away?

I GOT CARDED!!! It made me happy enough to break my rule against superfluous punctiation yet again. Seriously. Carded. At the LC. By a real person. Bonafide. I do not kid. It's possible the cashier was near sighted, or in need of a whole new perscription entirely, but I still walked away blushing and internally giggling.
Now let me just say, I have always felt I looked my age. Not much older, not much younger, just about right dead on. I'm good with that. I don't dye my grey hairs (although I'm not ruling it out. I'm just not there yet). I am Botox free. I embrace my eleventy gazillion freckles and crows feet and laugh lines. If I like you and you ask me nicely, I'll happily show you my stretch marks. I am what I am, what you see is what you get, and so on and so forth.
BUT! I GOT CARDED! It's really been a long while since this has happened to me and I've been kinda down in the dumps lately, so I'm hanging onto this with both hands. I was buying a bottle of fizzy celebration wine (fake, disgustingly sweet, champagne) and then a bottle of what I like to call "Big Girl Wine". I saw her eyeing me and suspected what was happening, but thought "surely not. I'm 35." But no! "Do you have any ID?". KICK ASS! My reply (I'm not even lying) was "Do I? I will give you my ID! I would hug you if I could reach over the counter". She seemed genuinely confused when she checked out my license and said "Well, you look young today". I thanked her more than what was appropriate and wore a stupid grin all the way back to the van (containing my husband and 2 children).
So, if you've seen me in the last 2 weeks, I've already told you this story. I'm still a bit tickled by it. I don't think I look young, but it's nice to know that sometimes, probably near sighted, sweet, MBLC employees do. Yay.

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