Tuesday, December 07, 2004

So, I usually try to keep this thing light but...

....there's been something weighing on my mind lately. It was somewhat provoked by another person's blog and also a conversation with a family member.

There are some who believe that women have no place in active combat. Why? Why, as a woman, is my life more valuable than a man's? Because I am some ones daughter? Because I am some one's sister? Because I am some one's mother?

I think that last one is the kicker. It all goes back to the uterus. So, I am a woman. I have one. I can bear children. So what? Yes, I love knowing that I have produced another life. I love knowing that I might get the chance to do it again someday, but does that make my life more precious than my husband's life? He is some one's son, brother and FATHER. Why is he less important?

'Collateral damage' in war includes innocent women and children. But that's ok. It's just not okay to send female soldiers into a war zone. Does this make sense?

For me, equality, in terms of treatment, is non-negotiable. Either you want it or you don't. I don't want to be treated better than a male counterpart. I want to be treated the same. There is a distinct difference. I don't want to *BE* the same! Men and women are not the same! I want the same opportunities and the same benefits. If I dont' chose to use these, that's my descision, but I want the opportunity to choose.

If I want to stay at home with my kid, I don't want to be made to feel guilty by the 'no holds barred' feminists of the world. If I make that choice, it will be mine. It doesn't mean that I am opressed in my 'traditional' role. It means that I chose that position for me. On the flip side, I don't want to be made to feel guilty for wanting a career outside of my home and family by the traditionalists of the world.

I guess I just want it all. But who doesn't??

When it comes right down to it, the opinions of most others don't matter much. As long as I feel that my descisions are right, and they are the same in the eyes of my family and my God, it's all good.


pumpkinhead said...

I'm alive, I promise! I've disappeared into 'busy work to get out of the way before Christmas + shopping+ car repairs + going CRAZY' mode. And you? :D

pumpkinhead said...

LOL sounds like....fun?

Remind me why I want more children?? :)
Tree needles in your undies...that's either a reall interesting story OR some one has lots of talent...or BOTH! :)