Monday, December 06, 2004

Do you wanna know what bugs me?

Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway :).

I am a red head. I have always hated that. Children are cruel to children with red hair....especially the ones with coke bottle thick glasses and braces and a bad perm (BTW, if anyone ever asks you if they should get a perm, the answer is ALWAYS NO!!). But, I digress. NOW, well, since I started university, suddenly, red hair is the colour to have! I'm always getting compliments on my hair colour! People are always telling me that they want to dye their hair *this* colour* and, while I appreciate them and the compliments, it's hard to switch gears. For the first little while, I thought people were secretly making fun of me. Now, I have learned to say thank you and be appreciative and believe that they aren't secretly laughing at me inside. So, moving on to what bugs me: It bugs me that it's so easy to dye your hair red. It should be hard! You should have to have all that cruel teasing programmed into your brain somehow to be a redhead!! I had to suffer, so everyone else should too, right? :) Not to say that these bottle redheads don't look fabulous, because they do...

Oh, and I'm sick of people asking me if this is my *real* hair colour and then them not believing me when I say yes. I feel like I have to carry around a baby picture at all times.

I've come to actually *gulp* LIKE my redhair now. I've come to terms and made my peace with it. So, now it'll probably all fall out or turn stark white and I'll have to become what bugs me....a bottle redhead. *sigh*

On a funny note, I was speaking to a friend yesterday. Her youngest babe is 5 months old. Her mother in law had come to visit and, when she (my friend) sat down to nurse the baby, the MIL asked 'Are you *STILL* nursing him?'. My friend, who is usually very reserved, looked at MIL with a smile and said, 'Why? Are you hungry?'. And they moved on to other topics.

LOL, YAY, lady! :) Too funny

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