Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Towing the line...

Do you ever have those moments where you can actually *see* the line that you're not supposed to cross over with your kids? I had one of those two days ago. I was lying on the sofa with my head resting on my husbands lap while our dear son, Jacob, was being a wild lunatic, crawling all over us and trying to stand up on my chest. I was diligently trying to disuade him from this behaviour, as my motherly instincts were telling me this could only end in tears....but I was thinking my son's tears.

So, the dear boy loses his balance and his big ole head (the one it took 45 minutes to push OUT of me) crashes full speed into my nose. There was an audible and loud CRACK. I was stunned. I saw stars. I was instantly overcome by INTENSE pain. I was also instantly in tears (this doesn't happen often) and when I looked up, the child who I love more than life itself, was grinning down at me. I lost it. I literally wanted to scream at him and toss him off me. But there was that line. I saw it. I took a step back. Instead, I picked him up, handed him forcefully to my husband and ran off to the bathroom bleeding and in tears.

So, Jacob, at this point, had lost his smile and took off after me. I couldn't let him into the bathroom. I just couldn't. I needed to regroup.

So, after about 3 or 4 minutes, I felt like I'd gotten ahold of myself and came out. He was waiting for me. I gave him a hug and told him that I loved him and he'd hurt Mama and that he needed to be more careful.

That was that.

So, someone tells me that this parenting thing gets EASIER instead of HARDER! Please?! Anyone? If you have to lie to me, that's ok! *sigh*

1 comment:

Margie said...

My husband and I have both had black eyes from the head buts of what once started as smiles and I will conquor my parent... I also have had three time of the head meeting the nose... oh the pain oh the horror!!!!

I haven't had it in a while so hopefully this will get easier!!!!