Friday, November 12, 2004

Snow, cold, ugh.

Winter is on it's way. It snowed here two days ago. Argh. Not enough to have to shovel it, mind you, but actual bonafide SNOW.

It's getting colder and colder in my little closet of an office. I keep hearing rumours of a space heater, but as yet, It has not materialized. I have visions of myself wearing a scarf, touque and mittens in days to come. I mean C'MON! It's only November! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa splat.

So, in other news, my darling son discovered how to crawl out of his crib last night. He subsequently discovered that gravity does indeed work. I found him crying on his back. Poor man. So, it looks as if the 'big boy bed' is in our near future. My baby is growing up. It sucks...and it's great! But it sucks.

So, as my fingers are not responding properly (due to the cold) I'll sign off and big you, 'Good DAY, eh?!'


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