Wednesday, November 14, 2012

'Tis the Season...of Snow and Vapo-Rub

The snow has arrived. Yay. Can you sense my non-enthusiasm? I do like snow, but really only in doses. I could do with more fall. I am not mentally prepared for winter yet. Why then do I live in Manitoba you ask? There is no easy answer to that question, so let us move on.

With the arrival of the snow has also come my first hacking-up-a-lung, flu-ish, cold-like, event. Enter vapo-rub. That stuff is the shizznit. It smells...well, smelly. It's not exactly unpleasant, but it's not exactly Chanel No. 5 either. It smells like winter and coughing and warm socks and cuddly blankets, which, if we're being honest here, is not entirely unpleasant. Only partly so.

Hockey season is in full swing and my Kieran boy got his very first goal at his very first hockey game ever. They still lost 7 to 3, but he was walking on air for the rest of the day. We even had to Skype Nana to tell her. Random grocery store patrons also heard about the joyous news. It was an exciting day but also an exhausting one.

I still have no job. I'm still trying to get one. I feel slightly less depressed about this. Better upward than downward, friends!

1 comment:

S said...