Friday, January 21, 2005

Is it friday already?

My first week of labs for the new semester are OVAH! Unfortunately, next week brings double the work so I intend to have a verrrrrrrrrry relaxing weekend!

I don't really have much to talk about. Things have been a bit boring of late. We have lots of snow! Last night, Dennis asked me to park at the top of the driveway so that he could shovel before I packed down the snow with the tires. Ok, fine, no prob. Some where between the car and the front door, the ONLY key we have to my brother's car managed to fall off the key chain and is now buried somewhere in the white stuff. Grand. So the car's still at the top of the driveway. Miraculously I remembered to get my purse out of it before locking it up last night, so thank God for small favours.

Jacob is enjoying the snow enourmously. It's been bitterly cold, so we han't had him out much in it, but yesterday during the storm was warmer so he 'helped' shovel. Our neighbour stopped by to say hello and asked him what he was doing. His reply was 'eat white snow'. Good, contientious parents that we are, we have already taught him the only white snow is appropriate for eating whereas brown and yellow snow are forbidden. We're Canadian, eh? Ya gotta learn this stuff! :)

Toodle oo!


Alison said...

You guys are no fun.....

Margie said...

What if there is syrup on the snow??

Margie said...

What if there is syrup on the snow?

Margie said...

My computer has been slower then frozen syrup... sorry for the double post I got trigger happy or should I say mad, when the computer took forever to post :)

pumpkinhead said...

Margie, the voice of reason :). But seriously, maple syrup is more of an amber colour and, of course, more than acceptable for consumption. You just have to make sure to pour the syrup on white snow.

Lal :p (that's a tongue sticking out smiley)

Bav, I'm sure we'll find the key...once the snow July :)

Alison said...


Margie said...
