Sunday, October 28, 2007

We're here. We're settled...or something like that.

I don't love Manitoba. There, I said it. There are definitely things I do love about it, but overall, I'm not in love yet.

Some minor, petty things that bug:

1. You cannot get cans of apple juice in this province, or at least in this end of it. Cans of pineapple and tomato juice, yes, but no apple. Just tetrapaks or jugs. The stuff in the tetrapaks doesn't taste right and the stuff in jug costs an arm and a leg.

2. You can't get tri-paks of milk. No bags of milk. Bags of milk are a Canadian institution! It's an abomination that you can't get them here.

3. In order to get a driver's liscence, I have to go to the DMV and give them my N.S. liscence. Do they give me a photo ID then? Oh no, they have to call someone to see if I can actually get a liscence, issue me a little piece of paper that is a temporary lisence and then I have to wait God knows how long until I can actually come in and have them give me a photo liscence. This is all fine and dandy, but it effectively leaves me without any sort of official photo ID for this period of God Knows How Long. So, lets say I wanna go accross the border? SOL.

4. Friendly Manitoba is really not that friendly. I mean, they're not Nova Scotia friendly

5. The belief that the world ends after you leave Quebec.

Things I love about Manitoba so far

1. The praries are gorgeous. Sprawling wheat/flax/canola fields undulating in the breeze against a backdrop of broad blue sky and huge round sun is stunning.

2. There are animals everywhere. Wildlife explodes everywhere! Every day hundreds of geese migrate in V's over my house, honking away. Kieran stops whatever he is doing immediately to point up at the sky, excitedly yell "BRRR!" and then "Buh bye BRR!" and then run to me to tell me "BRR! UP! SKY! GEE! BRR!" in disjointed shouts.

3. Jacob is loving his school and making new friends. I love this.

4. My husband loves his job and is working with people he enjoys

5. I love my house.

So, I'm sure I will come to enjoy it more and more as time passes. I have found it difficult to meet people and this has been hard. I need comraderie. I love my children, but there are just so many conversations about poop and dirt one can have in the run of a day before one goes crosseyed.

So, that's it for now. I will leave you with a random Manitoba picture

Early morning, bus stop, cold, tired children.

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