Sunday, May 07, 2006

It's a boy!

Kieran James arrived whole and healthy Monday, March 20th at 7:14 am weighing 7lbs 4.5 oz. He was caught by the nurse and born in the assesment room. He waited 9 months and 11 days and wasn't going to be kept waiting a second longer.

So, I've been a busy little bee :-). Initially he was wanting to eat ALL THE TIME so not much sleep was being had. However, now at 7 weeks of age, he's giving me some 2, 3 and even 4 hour stretches at night. Still nursing every 1-2 hours during the day, but that I can handle.

What else can I say? Jacob is adjusting well. He's a bit put out, and is acting out behaviourally a tad, but he loves his brother and wants to constantly kiss and hug and hold him. He informed me the other day that now he'd like a sister to go with it. 'It' being Kieran. He's an interesting child.

Here are a few picture links for you curious sort.

This one I call his 'What the crap have I been born into?' look

Very new.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'm quite sure it's time for another visit with Auntie.....